Week 3

Today I was going to play pool but it was closed due to a tv having been broken. It seems to have been physically damaged and I think it had a possibility to have been by someone who got mad at a video game and maybe him/her would have done it. Anyways, it is very cold in Dr. Kyburz's classroom and I am not liking it very much right now because I wear short sleeve's shirt's and you know how it goes. I have no clue if she could or knows how to turn the temperature in that classroom but I would have liked if she did. I feel like she hates her students, therefore she doesn't mind having us shiver for a whole hour as torture because she doesn't like our way of how we write English. Plus I AM RIGHT UNDER THE VENT FOR THE A/C WHICH MAKES IT A WHOLE LOT WORSE FOR ME. Anyways that was my rant but I did not expect it to be so damn cold that day.    
