Week 10


Another stressful week, I had a test on Monday and a speech on Monday which I did not do. I did do the test but I failed it and got a 44% I believe, but the professor decided to give us a 5% bonus added to our grade because I wasn't the only one who did bad. The class average was 61% I think and everyone said they feel like the tests are just getting hard. This class is sociology and we only have 3 more tests so I really have to study for these upcoming tests.

I was supposed to do my speech on Monday but I had not finished my outline. So I finished my outline on Tuesday and was ready for Wednesday to present but I just didn't present for some reason and it was the final day for presentations but out of nowhere the prof had to the class at the end of class that we would have Monday on the next week to present. I was ready to take that zero but I was surprised he gave us another chance. I don't know why I didn't present, maybe it was because I was intentionally wanting to go first but 3 people raised their hands and I waited it out and in the end I did not go up. 

For this week I had a speech, 2 tests, another exam that is due Sunday, and 3 quizzes which was a lot for this week. Anyway I still managed to complete some and play pool. It may just be me but I don't know how other people don't have time to play pool. I play pool everyday and still have time to finish all of my assignments. Maybe it's because I don't have a job and some do.
