Week 9


This week I had to give my speech that was due Wednesday. Not many people came because it was speech day and I had not done my outline for the speech either. But this week went by quickly in my opinion and it was also a calm week. As I have been doing these blogs I have realized that my life is pretty boring, most likely because I just have school and don't really do much other than school. I'm just focused on school right now and I feel like I can't really do much because I'm fed up with assignments and tests. I do have some flexible time but I feel its just school everyday and not enough time for me to do what I want.

I wonder how it would be if I had a job but I don't and I'm fortunate enough to have a hard working family. My family is lazy sometimes but we are all hard working. I feel as if I don't have enough happening in my life right now to be able to have enough information for some of these blogs but I try.
