Week 11


Again I will say that it feels like I have been at this school forever already but I've only ever done 2 semesters. I can't believe I have to be here for another 7 semesters, it's going to feel like I've finally left eternity when I graduate. Like every week I always have many assignments to do and it sucks to fall behind because I still haven't done my draft for the documentary project in this class.

This week was okay because I signed up for the pool tournament and when I played my opponent I felt confident and won both matches that were 2 out of 3. I brought my sister and mom to watch and they were happy I had won both games. I was too but it's disrespectful and frowned upon to boast about winning when playing pool. This was a short blog because nothing much really happened this week or you can just say my life isn't that exciting in this chapter in my life, but to my standings this is when life should be "fun" and it's not because some teachers make it seem as if we should sacrifice and devote our whole lives into their course.
