
Showing posts from December, 2021

Week 16

  Week 16 which is finals week. I haven't taken any of my finals yet but I'm hoping to do well on every of them. I feel it's so stressful for everyone else but not so much for me.  I only have 3 finals for the 6 courses I am taking. I feel I got lucky with this, but I wish that everyone's final was just like a project or paper because I feel it's so much easier than finals for me. I don't think that there is too much to talk about because this is my last blog for this class. I liked this class, didn't have any problem with it whatsoever.  Something I can talk about is the fact that I got 3rd place in the finals for the pool tournament and that was something good that happened for me this week. I didn't think I was going to do good because all the "pros" that played pool were there and they lost. Me and my friend Mitchell didn't think we would make it to the 2 last matches, but we did. I was so close to beating my opponent, but I just messed

Week 15

I cannot paste images in for some reason. It keeps saying error on my end but this week I got a haircut, and I don't like it, but it does feel better than when it was long. I wanted to get a cut for a while now but kept putting it aside for the fact that I didn't want to also cut it. It did bother me when it was long but now, I feel better, but I will most likely need to go get it cut again because it feels a little longer than I wanted it right now.  With these blogs I feel like it's a therapy session with myself and I don't like it. Anyway, I made it to the pool tournament finals which will be Tuesday and hope it goes well. I probably won't win but at least I would have made it to finals which I'm proud of.  When finals come around, I feel like I will do good but every time I think that they don't go so well. But hopefully they do because I need to get a least a C- in all of my classes. This will be my first semester in university doing finals so at least