
Showing posts from November, 2021

Week 14

  Something that has annoyed me with my experience with university is the fact that teachers/professors take so long to put graded assignments into bright space. It just annoys me and gives me anxiety about if I will get a lower grade than I expect.  I have not yet thought of what I am going to be writing about for the exploratory essay. I think I should start working on it because I don't like it when I am behind on assignments and or projects. A thing that seems a bit off to me now that I'm in university is the fact that everyone seems to be with and have a group of friends except me. That's something I don't understand and the fact that I also talk to everyone and I am cool with most people. It's just a feeling unknown to me, maybe everyone is just anti-social now because its "cool", I have no clue.

Week 13

Same thing this week, nothing much happening in my life, just problems. 1st semester is looking okay for me, hopefully I can make it and have my grades at least at a C- to transfer into the college of business. This blog is going to be another short one. I tried pasting a photo from google into the blog, right now its blank and I don't know if you can see it from your screen but it's just an image from Tom and Jerry and both Tom and Jerry are just chilling on a beach-on-beach chairs. I won my pool tournament match this week and hope I make it to semi-finals.

Week 12

  It's week 12 and this week it was my mom's birthday. She turned 50 on Thursday and I realized that I'm already so fed up with life at 19 and wouldn't want to be in this world for 50 damn years. I feel that age is so far into the timeline into the average life span of 80 years but at the same time people say life is too short because time flies, and it does.  This blog is going to be a short one because every week is almost the same and I don't feel like repeating myself every week. On Tuesday I had my second match tournament for pool and my luck said "hey, why don't I just give you the champion from last year's tournament and make this 10 times harder for you." I won the first match and he won the second and then for the last match I had the 8-ball set up and missed the damn ball which gave him the opportunity to pot the 8 ball and I lost the game. He told me after the game that he knew I would've won all the matches if I played it much more

Week 11

  Again I will say that it feels like I have been at this school forever already but I've only ever done 2 semesters. I can't believe I have to be here for another 7 semesters, it's going to feel like I've finally left eternity when I graduate. Like every week I always have many assignments to do and it sucks to fall behind because I still haven't done my draft for the documentary project in this class. This week was okay because I signed up for the pool tournament and when I played my opponent I felt confident and won both matches that were 2 out of 3. I brought my sister and mom to watch and they were happy I had won both games. I was too but it's disrespectful and frowned upon to boast about winning when playing pool. This was a short blog because nothing much really happened this week or you can just say my life isn't that exciting in this chapter in my life, but to my standings this is when life should be "fun" and it's not because some te