
Showing posts from September, 2021

Week 5

This week was okay, I beat some good pool players but in return they also beat me in some games. I feel like I always get very good very fast at anything I do, but I do feel like I have improved so much at billiards faster than most people in just 5 weeks. Anyways this week I also hurt my left hand index finger which I used to play pool but I don't anymore because I learned how to properly hold the cue stick on my left hand. I hurt my index finger trying to close a canopy that had fallen over in my backyard, and as I was closing it the canopy joint pinched my index finger and made a little cut on my finger. But I am okay now, I think. It was a windy day so it seems the wind most likely blew it over and until I got home was when I saw that it had been blown over. We only had the canopy up because of my sisters 18th birthday which was very cool.

Week 4

Today is Mexican independence day September 16th and I take so much pride in being Mexican because I think we have the best culture and I think we are a superior race. I also feel that because most Mexicans are hard workers and that something I always hear people say. We don't always like each other because most of us are hard headed and will do anything for our families, but something I can say is we would always fight together no matter what because we all have pride and honor in our culture. When you hear or see the word Mexican the first thing that can cross your mind is very good food or a very hard worker. I think the place where we become hard workers is when our parents tell us to work hard or to work harder for most men in Mexican families, and I would also think that we are obligated to hold the title of being the hardest workers in the world. 

Week 3

Today I was going to play pool but it was closed due to a tv having been broken. It seems to have been physically damaged and I think it had a possibility to have been by someone who got mad at a video game and maybe him/her would have done it. Anyways, it is very cold in Dr. Kyburz's classroom and I am not liking it very much right now because I wear short sleeve's shirt's and you know how it goes. I have no clue if she could or knows how to turn the temperature in that classroom but I would have liked if she did. I feel like she hates her students, therefore she doesn't mind having us shiver for a whole hour as torture because she doesn't like our way of how we write English. Plus I AM RIGHT UNDER THE VENT FOR THE A/C WHICH MAKES IT A WHOLE LOT WORSE FOR ME. Anyways that was my rant but I did not expect it to be so damn cold that day.    

Week 2 of University

Today I played pool with 2 people. I really haven't played pool at all, well only 1 time in the past really. So the games went on and I didn't expect to come back better than I was before. I think that playing video games and applying them to real life can make you better at the game you were playing. For example, Billiards or more commonly known as pool also has a video game that people tend to play on their phones and I used to play that game which is called 8 Ball Pool and I think that is where all of my skill comes from when it comes to playing it in real life. I was always interested in that game and I  hope I can become better at it as time goes on. I still need a lot of work and hope to be very good at it in the future, with enough practice that is.